本公司实力雄厚,与全国百余家知名配件企业强强联合,为您提供可靠优质的配件及售后服务。 本公司紧邻206国
道,交通便利,当地物流畅通,每天有大量车辆来往于全国各地。 总经理郑国锋愿与全国各地建机制造企业及用户精诚合作,携手发展,共创辉煌。
We are specialized in producting and saling accessories for all kinds of ChangLin loaders, rollers, graders and Sinomach diggers. We have been keeping hard working and making win-win dealings since we were founded 20 years ago. Also we never give up learnning latest techniques and training our working skills, in order to make sure we always provide best survices we can.