


业务范围:城市雕塑工程、景观建筑工程、园林绿化及仿木古建工程的设计施工。 主要材质有:玻璃钢雕塑、不锈钢雕塑、铸铜雕塑、石材雕塑、铜雕、石雕、假山、假树、仿真动物雕塑、仿真植物雕塑、仿木、园林小品雕塑,佛像、宗教用品雕塑,工艺壁画,女士工艺包,树脂工艺品,礼品开发制作等。


企业目标: 弘扬艺术、出精品、出新品 。


Shijiazhuang City sculpture Ltd. is a large ewironment art angineering business,which gathered the design ,manufacture and development an industry of wholes, There is the base of teachiry and practicing of science and technology management tube lollege in Peking with the center of shi jia zhuang ,our businesses radiated all of the nation .

Business scope : city carve engineering ,view constructing engineering ,turn green the park ,and design and produce the thou contrct .

Main material : glass steel ,stainless steel , melt copper ,stone ,carve lills and stones ,animals ,plants,imitale the mood ,park essay and so on .

There are more them lo persons to care and design which with the represent of the artist qiu changed jiang Dasu who come from Central craft Art college ,and the construction troops

Business Aim : expand the art ,produce the exquisite article new article .

Business Motto : trustworthiness + quantity=weslth.


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