

价格:面议 2024-04-08 11:42:22 67次浏览

品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口衬氟电磁阀是将聚四氟乙烯树脂采用模压(或镶嵌)方法置于铸钢或不锈钢阀体内壁的表面,复位弹簧、动铁芯等金属件设置在介质外,与腐蚀性流体完全隔离,利用其在抗强腐蚀介质方面的独特性能制做成衬四氟电磁阀可耐各种强酸(98%浓硫酸,王水)强碱、强氧化剂及有机溶剂,实现了真正的耐腐蚀retz The fluorine lined solenoid valve is made by placing polytetrafluoroethylene resin on the surface of the inner wall of a cast steel or stainless steel valve body using a molding (or embedding) method. Metal parts such as reset springs and moving iron cores are placed outside the medium, completely isolated from corrosive fluids. By utilizing its unique characteristics in resisting strong corrosive media, the fluorine lined solenoid valve can withstand various strong acids (98% concentrated sulfuric acid, aqua regia), strong alkalis, strong oxidants, and organic solvents, achieving true corrosion resistance

衬氟电磁阀工作原理Working principle of fluorine lined solenoid valve

常闭-当线圈通电时,先导阀芯吸合,先导孔打开,阀上腔卸压,活塞靠下腔介质压力推动,电磁阀打开;当线圈断电时,先导阀芯靠弹簧复位,先导孔关闭,阀上腔由活塞节流孔增压和复位弹簧的推力,电磁阀关闭。Normally closed - when the coil is energized, the pilot valve core is closed, the pilot hole opens, the upper chamber of the valve is depressurized, the piston is pushed by the medium pressure in the lower chamber, and the solenoid valve opens; When the coil is powered off, the pilot valve core is reset by the spring, the pilot hole is closed, and the valve upper chamber is pressurized by the piston orifice and the thrust of the reset spring, and the solenoid valve is closed

常开-当线圈通电时,先导阀芯靠弹簧复位,先导孔关闭,阀上腔由活塞节流孔增压和复位弹簧的推力,电磁阀关闭;当线圈断电时,先导阀芯靠弹簧复位,先导孔打开,阀上腔卸压,活塞靠下腔介质压力推动,电磁阀打开。Normally open - When the coil is energized, the pilot valve core is reset by the spring, the pilot hole is closed, and the valve upper chamber is pressurized by the piston orifice and the thrust of the reset spring, and the solenoid valve is closed; When the coil is powered off, the pilot valve core is reset by the spring, the pilot hole is opened, the upper chamber of the valve is depressurized, the piston is pushed by the medium pressure in the lower chamber, and the solenoid valve opens

进口衬氟电磁阀 选型参数





流体温度: -50℃--150℃

标准电压:AC220VDC24V (其他电压可定制)






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