

价格:280000 2023-03-14 10:35:01 1225次浏览

我司吸取了国内外先进技术,成功开发出适合用户需求的封边条生产线,该机组有单螺杆 挤出机或双螺杆挤出机,模具,压花装置,真空定型水槽,牵引涂胶辊装置,风干装置, 切割装置,收卷装置等部分组成。 产品塑化好,颜色多样化,控制,产量高,能耗低,可替代PVC压延片使用等显著 特点。主机采用进口变频器调速,温控仪表采内用日本OMRON欧姆龙产品。辅机真空泵 和牵引电机均采用优质产品,维护方便。 主要用途:家具、办公用具的贴面、封边、包装吸塑等。

Our company has absorbed the advanced technology at domestic and abroad and successfully developed the edge banding production line suitable for the needs of customers. The production line consists of single screw extruder or twin screw extruder and mold, embossing device,vacuum tank, haul-off unit as gluing roller device, air dryer device, cutting device, the winder device etc. The product has characteristics as good plasticization, diversified colors, accurate control, high capacity and low energy consumption. It can replace PVC calendering sheet technology. The extruder adopts imported frequency inverter for speed regulation, the temperature control adopts Japanese Omron products. The auxiliary machine with vacuum pump and haul-off unit motor adopt high-quality products for convenient maintenance. Main application: furniture, wainscot of office appliances, edge banding, packaging thermoforming etc.

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