

价格:面议 2022-06-20 09:46:09 473次浏览




首先,我们来看下替代学位英语的分数规定。每个远程教育规定是不一样的,的是要求70分,的是要求90分以上,绝大部分要求80分-90分(统考大学英语B总分为100分)。深耕网络教育统考多年,大多数政策、条件、考生关心的问题我都了然于胸!考生有2个重要的关注点个:没有基础想高分统考拿学位证;第二个:小白对考试完全不了解,想要知道考情、考点、考试相关须知事项。题库历次统考覆盖率达80%-90%上下,历次考生通过率均在90%左右,多加复习,即可轻松通过!如需题库@q q,com,去除后缀可+。奥鹏、远程网络教育大学英语B,整套原题库,覆盖90%以上,精心整理归类,全中文翻译,重点题抽90分左右,视频教程讲解,复习完整套题库,必过。可以达到申请学位的要求。

Passage 1(本年考试出现的新题)

Next week when I finish taking my final examination, I will also have finished one of the best experiences I have ever had in my lifetime. In the last four months ! have learned more about foreign cultures than I expected before coming to the united States.

Living in a foreign country and going to school with people from various parts of the world has given me the opportunity to encounter and interact with people from different cultures. I would like to share some of my experiences and thoughts with you.

When I first arrived.I knew no one and I needed all fingers to communicate what I said in English 。All of the foreign students were in the same situation. When we could not find the right word we used strange movements and gestures to communicate our meaning.

Knowing some common phrases. such as ‘How are you?"“Fine. thank you. and“what country are you from?" was enough in the beginning for us to make friends with each other.The TV room in the dormitory became our meeting place every evening after dinner.but for the most part their words were just a strange mumble to us.

After a while,bored and a little sad,we slowly began to disappear to our rooms.I thought that all of us were experiencing some homesickness.However,despite my loneliness.I had a good feeling within myself because I was doing what I wanted to do for many years to live and study in a foreign country.

下周当我结束我的期末考试时,我也将完成我一生中美好的经历之一。在过去的四个月里! 在来美国之前,我对外国文化的了解比我想象的要多。





1.When I first arrived in the U.S_______.


A.I can speak English well

B.I have already had some friends there.

C.I needed all my fingers to communicate in English.我需要用所有的手指来用英语交流。

D.I could find the right word in speaking English.

2.Why did we slowly begin to disappear to our room?


A.Because we wanted to watched to watch television.

B.Because we were bored and a little sad.

C.Because we were experiencing homesickness.

D.Because the TV room has become our meeting place.因为电视室成了我们见面的地方。


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