FZ - 7802A 插头引线弯折试验机
This tester is specialized in testing the flexing endurance between power cord and blades , and is capable of testing the flexiblity resistance of the cord itself . Samples are to be secured in the jaws of the flexing apparatus , and cord is to hang vertically with the weight tied on the lower end of it . The rotating jaws are to be adjusted to rotate to the angle of 90 degree to each side of the centered position . After a certain cycles is reached or untill specimen is broken , detect the breakage ratio or calcuate the total cycles . This machine is able to auto - count and auto - stop during specimen broken .
基本规格: Description:
夹具 Grips
6 组 ( sets )
摆动角度 Flexing angles
单边 (each side) 45°,60° ,90° 可调 (adjustable)
摆动速度 Flexing speed
5 ~ 60 c.p.m 可调(adjustable)
自动计数器 Auto - counter
1 ~ 999999 次,6 个(sets),分别计数 all independent(separately),数字显示
荷重 Load
113g、284g、10N、20N 各 6 个
电源 Power Requirements
1∮,AC 220V,50Hz