

价格:10 2024-09-29 06:00:01 1870次浏览



A pattern recognition method for a strong electric circuit diagram

强电电路图的识图方法1、应有一定的电工、电子技术基础知识由于强电电路是由不同的电气元器件构成的,所以识图人员应掌握一定的电工、电子技术知识,这样才能搞清楚电源是如何为负载供电的,控制电路是如何对电路进行控制的,保护电路是 ...

Drawing method of electric circuit diagram 1, should have some basic knowledge of electrical engineering and electronic technology for electric circuit is composed of different components, so the staff should grasp the knowledge map of electrical engineering and electronic technology knowledge, so that we can figure out how to load power supply, the control circuit is how to control the circuit the protection circuit is...

2017-10-20 12:18

2017-10-20 12:18


Main performance of electrical equipment failure


In the actual operation of the electrical equipment, electrical equipment will malfunction is mainly hard and soft faults in two forms, only through scientific diagnosis system, in order to guarantee the rapid recognition and fault elimination, realize the recovery operation of electrical equipment, electrical equipment running fault mainly as follows:

2017-10-20 11:51

2017-10-20 11:51


What is electric power? Unit conversion of electric power

电流通过负载时会把电能转换成其他能量,如通过电灯变成光和热,通过电动机转换成机械能等。在能量转换过程中,电流做了功。电流在单位时间内所做的功叫做电功率,用符号P表示。如果电流I在时间t内所做的功为W,则 P ...

The electric current is converted to other energy when the current is loaded, such as light and heat through a lamp, and converted into mechanical energy through a motor. In the process of energy conversion, the current is done. The work done in a unit time is called the electrical power, which is represented by the symbol P. If the work done by the current I in time t is W, then P...

2017-10-20 08:10

2017-10-20 08:10


The difference and connection between the leakage switch and the air switch

漏电开关与空气开关的区别和联系很多人对漏电开关和空气开关搞的不是很清楚,以为家里装了开关就能起到保护,这是非常可怕的。有的人以为我在吓唬大家,其实无知者无畏,不懂电的基本原理确实很可怕。那么漏电开关与空气开关有什么联系,又有什么区 ...

The difference between the leakage switch and the air switch is different. Many people do not know clearly about the leakage switch and the air switch. It is very frightening to think that a switch can be protected at home. Some people think I'm frightening everyone, but the ignorant people are fearless, and the basic principle of not understanding electricity is really terrible. So what's the connection between the leakage switch and the air switch, and what's the area...

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