

价格:10 2024-09-29 06:00:01 1644次浏览



Technical analysis of installation and debugging of electrical equipment

在安装开始前要注意以下问题:变压器安装要做好绝缘检查,注意选择合理的安装工具,确认变压器安装的位置和方式。在进行电气设备安装调试过程中,安装人员要结合电气设备的性能,制定好设备安装调试工序,控制好每一 ...

Before installing, we should pay attention to the following problems: insulation inspection should be done for transformer installation, attention should be paid to selecting reasonable installation tools, confirming the location and mode of transformer installation. In the process of installation and commissioning of electrical equipment, the installation personnel should combine the performance of electrical equipment, set up a good equipment installation and commissioning process, control each of them well.

2017-10-23 15:43

2017-10-23 15:43


Common problems in electrical drawings

图纸会审,就是全面细致熟悉施工图纸的过程,审查出图纸中存在的问题及不合理情况,并提交设计院、甲方、监理进行处理。图纸会审过程中,需深入领会设计意图、掌握工程特难点,找出需要解决的技术难题并拟定解决方案 ...

Is a comprehensive and detailed drawings, familiar with the process of construction drawings, drawings problems and unreasonable situation of a review, and submit the Design Institute, Party A, supervision process. In the process of drawing, to deeply understand the design intent, grasp the project special difficulties, find out the technical problems needed to solve and develop solutions...

2017-10-23 11:34

2017-10-23 11:34


The method of voltage circuit numbering in electrical two circuit diagram

电气二次电路图中的电压回路编号方法1、一号电源进线线路电压互感器二次回路A相电压回路编号为U610~U619,B相与C相U改为V与W;二号电源进线线路电压互感器二次回路A相电压回路编号为U620~629,B相与C相U改为V与W;中性线U改为N。 2、一段母线上的电压互 ...

The voltage loop numbering method two electric circuit diagram of the 1, one power line line voltage transformer secondary circuit two A phase voltage loop number is U610~U619, B and C U to V and W; two, power line line voltage transformer secondary circuit two A phase voltage loop number U620~629 B phase and C phase change U to V and W; neutral line U to N. 2, a section of the bus voltage on each other...

2017-10-23 11:29

2017-10-23 11:29


What's the reason for the line of zero fire line and how to deal with it?

零火线都带电什么原因?怎么处理?具体情况不好说,但从经验来看一种是偏相了造成零线带电,这种情况在电网中不可避免,零线带的电压也不会太高,只要不是偏相偏的太离谱不影响正常使用。还有一种是断了零线就比较麻烦了,以我们普通的楼房例子,一种 ...

The zero line are charged for what reason? How to deal with the specific circumstances? Not to say, but from experience is a partial phase caused by the zero line charged, this power is inevitable, with the zero line voltage is not too high, as long as not too outrageous offset does not affect the normal use. Another kind is the trouble of breaking the zero line, with the example of our ordinary building, one kind of..

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