

价格:10 2024-09-29 05:00:02 1887次浏览



The graphic symbols and characters of the knife switch

刀开关的图形符号和文字符号刀开关的图形符号和文字符号如图所示。图 刀开关的图形符号和文字符号

The graphic symbols of the knife switch and the graphic symbols and character symbols of the word symbol knife switch are shown as shown in the diagram. Graphic symbols and literal symbols of a knife switch

2017-10-28 07:08

2017-10-28 07:08


How to calculate the intercepting area of transformer core

如何计算变压器铁芯截面积小型单相变压器多采用壳式铁芯,变压器铁芯截面积与变压器的容量有关,一般按下列经验公式计算。 A=k√s(cm2)式中,s为变压器的容量;k为系数。硅钢片的k值见表。表 铁芯净截面系数的经验数据根据计算得到的A值,可 ...

How to calculate the cross-sectional area of transformer core is mainly used in small single-phase transformers. The core area of transformer is related to the capacity of transformer. It is usually calculated according to the following empirical formula. A=k root s (cm2) type, s for transformer capacity; K coefficient. The K value of silicon steel sheet is shown in the table. The empirical data of the net section coefficient of the iron core can be calculated according to the calculated A value.

2017-10-28 07:05

2017-10-28 07:05


Basic structure and working principle of transformer

变压器的基本结构是由铁芯和绕组(线圈)组成的。变压器铁芯是由两面涂有绝缘漆的硅钢片叠装而成的。绕组是绕在铁芯上的两个匝数不等的线圈,与电源相连的绕组称为一次绕组,与负载相连的绕组称为二次绕组。变压器就 ...

The basic structure of a transformer consists of a core and a winding (coil). The iron core of the transformer is made up of two silicon steel sheets coated with insulating varnish. A winding is a coil of two turns around an iron core. The winding connected to the power is called a primary winding, and the winding connected to the load is called the two winding. The transformer is...

2017-10-28 07:04

2017-10-28 07:04


Selection of electrical equipment

电气设备选择电气设备选择的一般条件:1.按正常工作方式选择电气设备;2.按短路方式进行设备的校验。一、按正常工作方式选择电气设备1、选择额定电压:电气设备最高耐压不得低于安装位置的最大可能工作电压。一般电气设备的最高 ...

Electrical equipment selection of the general conditions for selection of electrical equipment: 1. according to the normal mode of selection of electrical equipment; 2. according to the mode of short-circuit verification of the equipment. 1. Select the electrical equipment 1 according to the normal working way and select the rated voltage: the maximum voltage of the electrical equipment must not be lower than the maximum possible working voltage of the installation position. The highest electric equipment is the highest.

2017-10-27 11:53

2017-10-27 11:53


Does the lighting line need leakage protection? After listening to the teacher, I knew that my house was wrong.

照明线需要装漏电保护?听老师傅一讲完,我才知道我家就装错了装修的时候,电工会帮家里做好漏电保护装置。大家应该都知道,漏电保护既是开关也是装置。它在一个家里的作用之大不用多说。如果家里泄漏电的话,它就会自动断开电源,保护电路,避免人体触电。那么像家里照明灯需不 ...

Does the lighting line need leakage protection? After listening to the teacher, I knew that when my house was decorated, the electrician would help the home to do the leakage protection. It should be known that leakage protection is both a switch and a device. It doesn't have to say much about the role of a family. If the electricity is leaking at home, it will automatically disconnect the power, protect the circuit and avoid the electric shock of the human body. So like home lights need not...

2017-10-26 20:18

2017-10-26 20:18


The correct installation method of socket

三孔插座正确安装方法三孔插座上面孔为接地线,左边是零线(N)右边是火线(L)。 三孔插座是有专用的保护接零(地)插孔,在采用接零保护时,许多人仅在插座底内将此孔接线柱头与引入插座内的那根零线直接相连,这是极为危险的。因为万 ...

The correct installation method of socket socket hole above the ground, the left is the zero line (N) on the right line (L). There is a socket special protection to zero (ground) Jack, used in zero connection protection, many people only in the hole in the socket bottom wiring socket with the introduction of stigma that is directly connected to the zero line, it is extremely dangerous. Because of the ten thousand..

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