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What basic knowledge needs to be mastered to understand electrical drawings

要读懂电气图需要掌握以下基本知识。①了解常用电气设备、电气装置,以及电气元器件的原理、功能及基本结构、相互控制关系等。②了解电气图形符号和文字符号,以及电气图的有关标准和规程规范。③熟悉各种常见的基本 ...

The following basic knowledge should be mastered to understand electrical drawings. (1) to understand the principles, functions, basic structures and mutual control relations of common electrical equipment, electrical devices, and electrical components. (2) understand the symbols and symbols of electrical graphics, as well as the standards and regulations of electrical drawings. (3) familiar with the common basic.

2017-11-3 07:11

2017-11-3 07:11


Basic principle and function of transformer differential protection

差动保护是根据“电路中流入节点电流总和等于零”的原理制成的。在绕组变压器的两侧均装设电流互感器,其二次侧按循环电流法接线,即如果两侧电流互感器的同级性端都朝向母线侧,则将同级性端子相连,并在两接线 ...

The differential protection is based on the principle of "the sum of the current in the circuit is equal to zero". The two sides of the winding transformer are equipped with current transformer, and the secondary side is connected by the cyclic current method. That is, if the side ends of both sides of the current transformer are facing the bus side, they will be connected to the same level terminals and connected at two.

2017-11-2 12:07

2017-11-2 12:07


Can the output terminal of the 380 volt 120 volt control transformer in the electrical two control line be connected to each other?

电气二次控制线路中380伏变120伏控制变压器输出端端子上可以一相接地吗?控制变压器(俗称隔离变压器或者安全变压器)是用来改变交流电压的设置,由铁芯和线圈线成。它不仅能改变交流电的电压,同时还能改变阻抗,在不超设计功率时,还可改变电流. 在不同的环境下,变压器的用途也不同。

Can the output terminal of the 380 volt 120 volt control transformer in the electrical two control line be connected to each other? The control transformer (commonly known as isolating transformer or safe transformer) is used to change the AC voltage, which is made of iron core and coil line. It can not only change the voltage of alternating current, but also change the impedance. It can also change the electric current when the power is not designed. In different environments, the use of transformer is also different.

2017-11-2 09:56

2017-11-2 09:56


How to read the electrical drawings quickly? First, look at the graphic symbols commonly used in these buildings

如何快速读懂电气图纸?先看看这些建筑电气常用的图形符号作为一名电气工程行业的你,最主要的工作之一就是读懂图纸。电气领域图纸的符号繁多,偶尔也会遇到不认识或不熟悉的符号。下面小编就带您了解一些建筑电气常用的图形符号。 电气系统

How to read electrical drawings quickly? First, look at the graphic symbols used in electrical engineering. One of the main tasks of an electrical engineering industry is to read blueprints. There are many symbols in the electrical drawings, and occasionally the symbols that are not known or unfamiliar. The following small editor will show you some graphic symbols commonly used in building electricity. electrical system

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